
Development Details

Complete all development details before selecting relevant Credits.

Check your Climate Zone.

Development Type/Stage

See guidance.

Land Use Distribution

See guidance.

Total Development Area


Select the Credits from each list that are included in your development plan.

Urban Design

0 Credit Points

0% credits achieved in this category .

not Applicable

UD1: Wind Paths

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Channelling of breezes to lower local air temperature by removing stagnant, heated air and improve outdoor thermal comfort.

> 75% of the development's total street length (including lanes) is oriented (+/- 30o) to the dominant prevailing summer breezes.

Wind rose (wind speed and direction) data is avaWind rose (wind speed and direction) data is available from the Bureau of Meteorology.

The pattern of street canyon for ventilation
Figure UD1-1 The pattern of street canyon for ventilation: (a) Recommended, (b) Not recommended (Source: Ng, 2009, as cited in He, et al 2019).

In the street pattern in Fig. UD1-1(b), most areas are stagnant zones and wind speeds are consistently very low. Comparatively, the wind speeds in the streets shown in the Fig. UD1-1(a) are higher because of the increase of urban permeability, and reduction in amount of stagnant area.

Plan(s) showing the length and orientation of each street relative to the dominant prevailing summer wind direction.

UD2: Wind Buffering/Filtering

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Buffering hot summer winds at the development boundary reduces local air temperatures and improves outdoor thermal comfort.

50m minimum width urban forest corridor to >75% of the development boundary that is perpendicular (+/- 30o) to the dominant prevailing hot summer winds.

Urban forest corridor cross-section shall incorporate a minimum of three large shade trees (12m diameter canopy/tree at maturity).

Plan and cross-sections showing length, width and vegetation composition of urban forest corridor relative to the development boundary and direction of dominant prevailing hot summer wind.

UD3: Street Canyons

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Street canyons configured to promote shade and ventilation to reduce local air and surface temperatures and improve outdoor thermal comfort.

> 75% of street canyons (excluding lanes) have an aspect ratio (H:W) less than 1.0.

Urban design should prioritise shallow street canyons (aspect ratio < 1.0) to allow for solar access to the public realm in winter, space for street tree planting, ventilation, and nocturnal cooling.

Street canyon solar access and heat fluxes.Street canyon solar access and heat fluxes.
Figure UD3-1 Street canyon solar access and heat fluxes. (Images adapted from (34))

Sections through each street canyon showing aspect ratio (H:W)

Street layout plan showing the length of streets with aspect ratio less than 1.0 and total length of all streets.

UD4: Green and blue open space

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Green and blue open space designed and positioned to reduce local air and surface temperatures and improve outdoor thermal comfort.

Site perviousness:

  • The development site has > 60% pervious surfaces
  • > 50% of pervious surfaces are deep soil area.

Green and blue open space placement:

  • Green and blue open spaces are located upwind of heat sensitive land uses such as schools, community centres, public transport hubs, hospitals, and child / aged-care facilities.
  • Consider the prevailing summer wind direction and locations of heat sensitive land uses when positioning parks and water bodies.
  • Irrigated green space provides the best cooling benefit (see also UD6, CP2)
  • Downwind cooling effect of urban parks extends to about one park width (37).
  • Distributed smaller water bodies orientated perpendicular to the dominant prevailing summer wind direction will provide greater urban cooling benefit than a single large linear water body oriented parallel to the prevailing summer wind direction.
  • Downwind cooling benefits of green space and water bodies will be greatest if located upwind of street canyons designed for efficient ventilation (see also UD1 and UD3).

Landscape plan showing the total area of pervious surfaces and deep soil area relative to the gross development area.

Landscape plan showing the location and dimension of green and blue open spaces relative to heat sensitive land uses.

UD5: Retention of existing tree canopy

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Retaining existing tree canopy cover to provide shade, lower surface radiative temperatures, promote ventilation and improve Human Thermal Comfort.

Retain existing trees:

Retain in-situ existing trees that are ecologically or culturally significant or have trunk diameter >300mm and are in good condition and are locally appropriate.


Tree Canopy Cover (measured as % of Gross Development Area):

At maturity, the development's overall tree canopy cover exceeds the existing tree canopy cover or exceeds *40% tree canopy cover, whichever is the greater.

* Replace with the local council's urban tree canopy target if > 40%.

  • Tree species selection to suit in-situ soil conditions and resilience to high heat stress having regard to projected future extreme heat days due to climate change (refer to Adapt NSW's Regional Climate Change Snapshot Reports for a summary of projected changes to extreme heat days, temperatures and summer rainfall in your region).
  • Guidance on the best tree species for a given geography based on various planting factors including future climate is available on the https://www.whichplantwhere.com.au website.
  • A variety of suitable tree species is preferred to increase the urban canopy roughness through different tree heights and foliage types.
  • Evergreen trees should be used for areas that will benefit from year-round shade.
  • Deciduous trees should be used where sunlight is desirable in winter.
  • Trees should be clustered with occasional breaks in canopy rather than evenly spaced.
  • The placement of new trees should consider their ability to channel breezes and provide shade to hard surfaces and locations of highest communal use during the hottest times of the day, particularly pedestrian pathways and playgrounds.
  • Provide active management of younger trees to support crown development.
  • Ensure a secure water supply is available during extended dry periods to provide at least the minimum sustaining irrigation needs of each tree species (see also UD6, CS2, CP2, CH3, CB3).
  • Inadequate irrigation will lead to reduced plant transpiration and cooling potential (31).
  • Access to deep soils (a landscaped area connected horizontally to the soil system and local ground water system beyond and is unimpeded by any building or structure above or below ground) supports healthy trees. Recommended minimum deep soil areas (assuming 600mm and 1000mm accessible soil depth for clay and sandy loam soils respectively):
    • Small Trees (6 metre canopy diameter at maturity): 14m2 in sandy loam soils; 23m2 in clay soils.
    • Medium Trees (8m diameter canopy at maturity): 18m2 in sandy loam soils; 30m2 in clay soils.
    • Large Trees (12m diameter canopy at maturity): 26m2 in sandy loam soils; 43m2 in clay soils.

  • A baseline tree survey covering species (including ecological and/or cultural significance), size, condition, and canopy cover.
  • Landscape plan showing retained trees, proposed tree planting and planned mature canopy cover as % of gross development area.

UD6: Water Sensitive Urban design (passive irrigation)

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Water sensitive urban design delivers passively irrigated, multi-functional landscapes that reduce surface radiative temperatures, promote ventilation, and improve Human Thermal Comfort.

Passively irrigated landscapes make up > 50% of the project's gross landscape area (excluding sports courts and fields and undisturbed natural areas).


> 50% of the aggregate WSUD treatment area (excluding constructed wetlands) incorporate shade trees.

Projects in Climate Zone 4 only are excluded from having to satisfy the passive irrigated landscapes criterion.

  • Passively irrigated landscapes (59)(75) maintain healthy vegetation and soil moisture accentuating urban cooling and Human Thermal Comfort (HTC) benefits.
  • WSUD should be combined with increased tree canopy cover to maximise cooling via both evapotranspiration and shading.
  • Provision of tree canopy cover within WSUD assets should prioritise areas of high solar exposure (e.g. hard surfaces in street reserves).
  • Aim for many, smaller, distributed WSUD assets at regular intervals throughout the urban environment to retain stormwater in the urban landscape and promote widespread infiltration into soils to maintain soil moisture stores.
  • Reference examples of WSUD solutions for commercial, industrial, and housing developments can be found in Sydney Water's Urban Typologies and Stormwater Management Solutions (41).

Engineering + landscape plans showing the area of passively irrigated landscapes as % of gross landscape area.

Landscape plans showing planned mature canopy cover of trees planted within WSUD assets as a % of aggregate WSUD treatment area (excluding wetlands).

Written agreement is provided with the future asset manager confirming a commitment to continuation of WSUD asset management after asset handover.

Cool Streets

0 Credit Points

0% credits achieved in this category .

not Applicable

CS1: Shade

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Shade (natural and built) within street reserves lowers surface radiative temperatures, promotes ventilation, and improves Human Thermal Comfort.

Tree canopy cover at maturity (measured as % of street reserve):

Land use categoryLand use category
Existing residential streets
With overhead powerlines40%
With underground powerlines50%
Existing industrial streets
With overhead powerlines35%
With underground powerlines45%
New Residential streets
With underground powerlines70%
New Industrial streets
With underground powerlines60%
All other local street typesUse local controls

Note: Targets exclude intersections. For existing streets, the above targets only apply if greater than the existing (pre-refurbishment) tree canopy cover, otherwise no-net loss of tree canopy cover is the acceptable target.


Shading of high use spaces:

  • >80% shade cover (measured in plan) of footpath or shared use spaces within street reserves.
  • On-grade carparks: one medium tree (8m diameter canopy at maturity) per four car parking spaces. The tree is to be in a planted within a deep soil zone of >13 m2 - the equivalent of a car parking bay area.
  • Selection and placement of shade solutions within streets should consider peak-use times to ensure shade maximises solar UV protection when it is needed most.
  • Tree species selection to suit in-situ soil conditions and resilience to high heat stress having regard to projected future extreme heat days due to climate change (refer to Adapt NSW's Regional Climate Change Snapshot Reports for a summary of projected changes to extreme heat days, temperatures and summer rainfall in your region).
  • A variety of suitable tree species is preferred to increase the urban canopy roughness through different tree heights and foliage types.
  • Guidance on the best tree species for a given geography based on various planting factors including future climate is available on the https://www.whichplantwhere.com.au website.
  • Use evergreen trees for areas that will benefit from year-round shade.
  • Use deciduous trees where sunlight is desirable in winter.
  • Consideration of safety is paramount with species selected to minimise risk to public safety.
  • Access to deep soils supports healthy trees. Recommended minimum deep soil areas:
    • Small Trees (6 metre canopy diameter at maturity): 14m2 in sandy loam soils; 23m2 in clay soils.
    • Medium Trees (8m diameter canopy at maturity): 18m2 in sandy loam soils; 30m2 in clay soils.
    • Large Trees (≥12m diameter canopy at maturity): 26m2 in sandy loam soils; 43m2 in clay soils.
  • Ensure a secure water supply is available during extended dry periods to provide the minimum sustaining irrigation needs of each tree species (see CS2).
  • Provide active management of younger trees to support crown development.
  • Develop and apply long term strategies to transition from built shade to an increased proportion of natural shade as canopy increases in size and density.
  • If installing shade sails as part of built shade solutions, make sure to choose fabric that has a UV Effectiveness (UVE) rating of 80% or more.
  • A test if shade is high quality or not on a clear day is the amount of blue sky you can see (sky view factor) while underneath it. The less blue sky you can see, the better protection from solar UV radiation.

Landscape plan showing canopy cover at maturity as % of street reserve area for all streets.

CS2: Irrigation

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Irrigated street reserve landscapes reduce local surface temperatures, cool local air temperatures, and improve local thermal comfort.

A secure water supply is provided for irrigating street reserve landscapes commensurate with seasonal water requirements determined from local site conditions.


Passively irrigated landscapes make up > 50% of the street reserve gross landscape area.

For Climate Zone 4 only, the above Credit Criteria will be deemed satisfied if the Minimum Effort Criteria listed below is satisfied.

Minimum Effort Criteria

Water cart irrigation is provided for at least the minimum period required for effective street tree establishment and ongoing water cart irrigation is provided to sustain street tree health during periods of extended dry and extreme heat.

Failure to satisfy the Minimum Effort Criteria will incur a 3 Credit Point penalty.

  • An alternative water source such as passive irrigation (59) (75), harvested stormwater runoff and reticulated recycled water should be used wherever possible as the primary irrigation water source with potable (town) water as a backup.
  • Irrigation rates guided by local best practice for species and soil profile determined by an appropriately qualified person such as arborist, terrestrial ecologist, landscape architect or irrigation consultant.
  • Over-irrigation does not always mean more urban cooling, can be detrimental to tree/plant health, and can increase humidity in hot humid climates leading to reduced human thermal comfort.
  • A smart irrigation system which relies on rain and/or soil moisture sensors and night scheduling provides the most efficient irrigation management and avoids over or under watering.
  • Drip irrigation lines (above or sub-surface) are preferred.

Engineering and landscape plans detailing the source(s) of secure water for landscape irrigation and showing irrigation infrastructure, watering regime (scheduling and application rates) and the area of passively irrigated landscape as % of street reserve gross landscape area.

In cases where ownership of the street reserve asset will transfer from a developer to the local council, written agreement is provided from the local council confirming a commitment to continuation of the streetscape irrigation regime after asset handover.

CS3: Cool Pavements

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Irrigated street reserve landscapes reduce local surface temperatures, cool local air temperatures, and improve local thermal comfort. 

Cool pavements with an initial Solar Reflectance (SR) > 50% applied to > 75% of street reserve hard surfaces.

There are a range of strategies for designing pavements that reduce urban heat impacts, including:

  • Use of ‘cool materials’ - those that are more reflective and store less heat.
  • Use of lighter pigments in mixing asphalts, concretes and pavers can increase solar reflectance by 30%.
  • Incorporating a thin coating of a reflective layer to assist in the reflectance of the material. This must be considerate of driver safety and pedestrian comfort - its use can lead to glare and discomfort for drivers and some thermal discomfort for pedestrians at times of peak daytime sunlight.
  • Choosing materials with a low emissivity rating, meaning they will be less prone to embodying heat.

Pavement design report + plans specifying cool pavements (type and solar reflectance) and showing coverage of cool pavements within each street reserve as % of total street reserve hard surfaces.

Asset Management Plan detailing activities and funding source for ongoing maintenance and future renewal of cool pavements.

In cases where ownership of the street reserve asset will transfer from a developer to the local council, written agreement is provided from the local council confirming a commitment to continuation of Asset Management Plan after asset handover.

Cool Parks

0 Credit Points

0% credits achieved in this category .

not Applicable

CP1: Shade

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Shade (natural and built) lowers surface radiative temperatures, promotes ventilation, and improves Human Thermal Comfort.

Retain existing trees:

  • Existing trees that are ecologically or culturally significant or have a trunk diameter >300mm and that are in good condition and are locally appropriate are retained in-situ.


Tree canopy cover (at maturity):

  • Parks < 5ha without sports courts and fields: >45% tree canopy cover.
  • Parks < 5ha with sports courts and fields: >45% tree canopy cover applied to the park area excluding sports courts and fields.
  • Parks > 5ha: No net-loss of tree canopy cover compared to existing (baseline).


Shading of high use spaces (e.g. children's playgrounds and BBQ/eating areas):

  • >70% shade cover (measured in plan).
  • Urban parks cool more effectively if they contain scattered trees and receive irrigation.
  • Prioritise provision of canopy shade for parks where daytime cooling is the priority (e.g., parks within city centres, commercial areas and low-rise residential developments).
  • Prioritise more open green areas (shade trees planted to park edges) for parks where night-time cooling is the priority (e.g., parks in higher density residential areas).
  • A heterogeneous tree canopy planted in groves is preferred to a homogeneous tree canopy planted in continuous rows.
  • In the right positioning, well shaded and irrigated parks can provide down-wind cooling effects beyond the park boundaries (see also UD4 and UD6).
  • Trees have the greatest urban cooling effect when they are positioned to shade hard surfaces during the hottest times of the day.
  • Selection and placement of shade solutions within parks should consider peak-use times to ensure shade maximises solar UV protection when it is needed most.
  • Tree species selection to suit in-situ soil conditions and resilience to high heat stress having regard to projected future extreme heat days due to climate change (refer to Adapt NSW's Regional Climate Change Snapshot Reports for a summary of projected changes to extreme heat days, temperatures and summer rainfall in your region).
  • Access to deep soils (a landscaped area connected horizontally to the soil system and local ground water system beyond and is unimpeded by any building or structure above or below ground) supports healthy trees. Recommended minimum deep soil areas (assuming 600 to 1000mm accessible soil depth for clay and sandy loam soils respectively):
    • Small Trees (6 metre canopy diameter at maturity): 14m2 in sandy loam soils; 23m2 in clay soils.
    • Medium Trees (8m diameter canopy at maturity): 18m2 in sandy loam soils; 30m2 in clay soils.
    • Large Trees (≥12m diameter canopy at maturity): 26m2 in sandy loam soils; 43m2 in clay soils.
  • A variety of suitable tree species is preferred to increase the urban canopy roughness through different tree heights and foliage types.
  • Guidance on the best tree species for a given geography based on various planting factors including future climate is available on the https://www.whichplantwhere.com.au website.
  • Use evergreen trees for areas that will benefit from year-round shade.
  • Use deciduous trees where sunlight is desirable in winter.
  • Consideration of safety is paramount with species selected to minimise risk to public safety.
  • Ensure a secure water supply is available during extended dry periods to provide the minimum sustaining irrigation needs of each tree species.
  • Provide active management of younger trees to support crown development.
  • Develop and apply long term strategies to transition from built shade to an increased proportion of natural shade as canopy increases in size and density.
  • If installing shade sails as part of built shade solutions, make sure to choose fabric that has a UV Effectiveness (UVE) rating of 80% or more.
  • A test if shade is high quality or not on a clear day is the amount of blue sky you can see (sky view factor) while underneath it. The less blue sky you can see, the better protection from solar UV radiation.

  • A baseline tree survey covering species (including ecological and/or cultural significance), size, condition, and canopy cover.
  • Landscape plan(s) showing retained trees and proposed trees with planned mature canopy area provides as % of gross park area (excluding sports courts and fields).

CP2: Irrigation

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Irrigated parks reduce local surface temperatures, cool local air temperatures, and improve local thermal comfort.

A secure water supply is provided for irrigating street reserve landscapes commensurate with seasonal water requirements determined from local site conditions.


Passively irrigated landscapes make up > 50% of the street reserve gross landscape area.

For Climate Zone 4 only, the above Credit Criteria will be deemed satisfied if the Minimum Effort Criteria listed below is satisfied.

Minimum Effort Criteria

Water cart irrigation is provided for at least the minimum period required for effective street tree establishment and ongoing water cart irrigation is provided to sustain street tree health during periods of extended dry and extreme heat.

Failure to satisfy the Minimum Effort Criteria will incur a 3 Credit Point penalty.

  • An alternative water source such as passive irrigation (59) (75), harvested stormwater runoff and reticulated recycled water should be used wherever possible as the primary irrigation water source with potable (town) water as a backup.
  • Irrigation rates guided by local best practice for species and soil profile determined by an appropriately qualified person such as arborist, terrestrial ecologist, landscape architect or irrigation consultant.
  • Over-irrigation does not always mean more urban cooling, can be detrimental to tree/plant health, and can increase humidity in hot humid climates leading to reduced human thermal comfort.
  • A smart irrigation system which relies on rain and/or soil moisture sensors and night scheduling provides the most efficient irrigation management and avoids over or under watering.
  • Drip irrigation lines (above or sub-surface) are preferred.

Engineering and landscape plans detailing the source(s) of secure water for landscape irrigation and showing irrigation infrastructure, watering regime (scheduling ad application rates) and the area of passively irrigated landscape as % of gross landscape area (excluding turf areas, sports fields, and undisturbed natural areas).

Written agreement is provided with the future asset manager confirming a commitment to continuation of the park irrigation regime after asset handover.

CP3: Cool and/or Porous Pavements

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Cool and/or porous pavements reduce local surface temperatures and local air temperatures and enhance Human Thermal Comfort.

Cool pavements with an initial Solar Reflectance (SR) > 50% or porous pavements, or a combination of both applied to > 75% of total park hard surfaces.

There are a range of strategies for designing park hardscapes that reduce urban heat impacts, including:

  • Use of ‘cool materials’ - those that are more reflective and store less heat.
  • Use of lighter pigments in mixing asphalts, concretes and pavers can increase solar reflectance by 30%.
  • Incorporating a thin coating of a reflective layer to assist in the reflectance of the material. This must be considerate human comfort - its use can lead to glare some and thermal discomfort for park users and pedestrians at times of peak daytime sunlight.
  • Choosing materials with a low emissivity rating, meaning they will be less prone to embodying heat.

Permeable pavements should consider the following in their design:

  • Permeable paving allows for the drainage, infiltration, and evaporation of water more effectively through urban surfaces, which can be achieved via the use of non-traditional pavements (made from plastic, metal, or concrete) filled or interspersed with permeable materials (vegetation, gravel) laid over a permeable base.
  • Maximum impact occurs when permeable pavements are designed in conjunction with the principles of cool pavements described above, namely highly reflective materials and materials less prone to storing heat.
  • Foam based concrete is more permeable than traditional concrete; permeable natural resins used in place of traditional masonry binders can be adopted for low impact areas.
  • Porous pavements and surface coverings adjacent to garden beds and tree plantings will enhance surface water absorption and therefore water access for these plants.

Landscape plan specifying cool pavements (types and solar reflectance) and/or porous pavements (type, porosity, and hydraulic conductivity) and showing the coverage of cool and/or porous pavements as % of total park hard surfaces.

Asset Management Plan detailing activities and funding source for ongoing maintenance and future renewal of cool and porous pavements.

Written agreement is provided with the future asset manager confirming a commitment to continuation of Asset Management Plan after asset handover.

Cool Homes

0 Credit Points

0% credits achieved in this category .

not Applicable

CH1: Site Coverage

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Site cover provides for permeable deep soil areas for shade and evapotranspiration from site landscapes to reduce mean radiant temperatures and air temperatures and improve thermal comfort.

Site layout provides the following minimum deep soil area (% of site area)

  • Detached dwellings:
    • Lot areas up to 300m2: 20% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
    • Lot areas 300m2 to 600m2: 25% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
    • Lot areas greater than 600m2: 30% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
  • Attached dwellings:
    • Lot areas up to 150m2: 15% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
    • Lot areas 150m2 to 300m2: 20% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
    • Lot areas greater than 300m2: 25% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
  • Multi-dwelling housing:
    • Lot areas up to 1000m2: 20% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
    • Lot areas 1000m2 to 3000m2: 25% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
    • Lot areas greater than 3000m2: 30% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
  • Apartments:
    • Lot areas up to 650m2: 10% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
    • Lot areas 650m2 to 1500m2: 15% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)
    • Lot areas greater than 1500m2: 20% deep soil area (minimum dimension 3m)

Site layout should, where practicable, provide for deep soil areas to support tree canopy shade to the eastern and western facades of the dwelling/building.

Site layout (across multiple lots) should seek to achieve larger contiguous private open space areas oriented to channel cooling summer winds.

Site landscape plan showing location and extent of deep soil areas as % of total site (allotment) area.

CH2: Site Shade

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Shade (natural and built) moderates internal air temperatures, improves indoor and outdoor human thermal comfort and reduces the use of mechanical space conditioning and its impact on outside air temperatures.

Passive shading of dwellings:

Façade OrientationAcceptable Solutions
NorthFixed or adjustable horizontal shading above window (and extending past window on each side)
East and West

* Planting: Deciduous tree (Climate Zones 7&8), Evergreen tree (Climate Zones 2,4,5, and 6).


Fixed or adjustable vertical louvres or blades; deep verandas or pergolas with deciduous vines and double glazed and/or “low-e” glazed windows.

North-East and North-WestAdjustable shading or pergolas with deciduous vines to allow winter solar heating (or verandas to exclude it for Climate Zone 2) and double glazed and/or “low-e” glazed windows.
South-East and South-West* Planting: Deciduous tree (Climate Zones 7&8), Evergreen tree (Climate Zones 2,4,5, and 6).

* Planting to achieve the minimum tree planting rates and tree canopy targets in the table following.

Development CategoryTree canopy Target (min % of site area)Tree-planting rate*
Detached dwellings^
Less than 300 m220%For every 200 m2 of site area, or part thereof at least one small tree
300 m2 - 600 m225%For every 250 m2 of site area, or part thereof at least one medium tree
Greater than 600 m230%For every 350 m2 of site area, or part thereof at least 2 medium trees or one large tree
Attached dwellings^
Less than 150 m215%At least one small tree
150 m2 - 300 m220%For every 200 m2 of site area, or part thereof at least one small tree
Greater than 300 m225%For every 225 m2 of site area, or part thereof at least one medium tree
Less than 650 m2 15%At least one small tree
650 m2 - 1,500 m2 15%For every 200 m2 of site area, or part thereof at least one small tree
Greater than 1,500 m2 20%For every 225 m2 of site area, or part thereof at least one medium tree

*The tree-planting rate: the number of trees that need to be planted within a deep soil area to achieve a set target.

Tree size categories:

  • Small tree - minimum 6 m mature canopy diameter
  • Medium tree - minimum 8 m mature diameter
  • Large tree - minimum 12 m mature diameter.

^ For these development types, the canopy and deep soil target are the same. In these situations, tree canopy will not cover the entire deep soil area. Proponents should meet the deep soil target as a priority and are encouraged to plant more trees than prescribed in the tree-planting rate, where possible.


Shading, particularly windows and other forms of glazing, can have a significant impact on summer comfort and energy costs.

Appropriate shading designs and structures can help to block unwanted sun in summer while still allowing solar access in winter.

Shading can be fixed (for example, eaves, and evergreen trees) or adjustable (for example, external louvres, pergolas with adjustable shade cloth, blinds and deciduous trees).

On north-facing façades, the easiest shading solution is eaves that are wide enough to block high-angle sun in summer but admit low-angle sun in winter. Horizontal shade projections above glazing can also work well.

On east-and west-facing façades, vertical shade structures or deep pergolas work well, particularly if they are adjustable, allowing winter sun in when needed.

More shading is suitable for hot humid climates, and less shading may be suitable for cold temperate climates.

Trees and planted pergolas and trellises can provide good shading and can also improve cooling, air quality and visual appeal of a home.

Tree species selection to suit in-situ soil conditions and resilience to high heat stress having regard to projected future extreme heat days due to climate change (refer to Adapt NSW's Regional Climate Change Snapshot Reports for a summary of projected changes to extreme heat days, temperatures and summer rainfall in your region).

A variety of suitable tree species is preferred to increase the urban canopy roughness through different tree heights and foliage types.

Guidance on the best tree species for a given geography based on various planting factors including future climate is available on the https://www.whichplantwhere.com.au website.

Use evergreen trees for areas that will benefit from year-round shade.

Use deciduous trees where sunlight is desirable in winter.

Consideration of safety is paramount with species selected to minimise risk to public safety.

Access to deep soils supports healthy trees. Recommended minimum deep soil areas:

  • Small Trees (6 metre canopy diameter at maturity): 14m2 in sandy loam soils; 23m2 in clay soils.
  • Medium Trees (≥8m diameter canopy at maturity): 18m2 in sandy loam soils; 30m2 in clay soils.
  • Large Trees (≥12m diameter canopy at maturity): 26m2 in sandy loam soils; 43m2 in clay soils.

The placement of trees should also consider their ability to channel breezes.

Cooling effect of a tree in a sunny day in summer and winter
Figure CH2-1 Cooling effect of a tree in a sunny day in summer and winter (Source: Osmond P and Sharifi E (2017)).

Care should be taken when locating trees close to residential buildings if located within bushfire and/or cyclone hazard areas. In these areas an alternative shade solution should be considered.

Plans and sections showing shade solutions and site tree canopy cover at maturity (as % of site area).

CH3: Site Irrigation

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Irrigated site landscapes reduce local surface temperatures, cool local air temperatures, and improve local thermal comfort.

A secure water supply is provided for irrigating site landscapes commensurate with seasonal water requirements determined from local site conditions.  

  • An alternative water source such as passive irrigation (59) (75), harvested roofwater or reticulated recycled water should be used wherever possible as the primary irrigation water source with potable (town) water as a backup.
  • Irrigation rates guided by local best practice for species and soil profile determined by an appropriately qualified person such as arborist, terrestrial ecologist, landscape architect or irrigation consultant.
  • A smart irrigation system which relies on rain and/or soil moisture sensors and night scheduling provides the most efficient irrigation management and avoids over or under watering.
  • Drip irrigation lines (above or sub-surface) are preferred.

A site landscape water management plan which achieves water efficiencies and supports the continued achievement of objectives outlined in CH2.

CH4: Passive Cooling

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Residential buildings use passive design to maintain a comfortable internal temperature thereby minimising impact on the external environment. 

Residential dwelling design incorporates:

  • Cross-ventilation to all bedroom and communal living spaces (lounge/living areas)
  • A “cool refuge” space being a bedroom or similar sized space located on the southern side of the dwelling and away from unshaded east or west facing facades and provided with wall and ceiling insulation to minimum NCC requirements, cross ventilation for venting heat at night and fitted with a ceiling fan.

If the local council or building authority has an alternative more stringent criterion for a cool refuge space use that criterion in lieu of the above.

  • Homes that adopt passive design minimise their impact on their surrounding environment by reducing energy requirements in heating and cooling and by minimising their contribution to the external environment through excess heat loss/ heat production generated by mechanical cooling systems (the exhaust from an air-conditioner unit).
  • Passive cooling principles require consideration of the floor plan and building form, local climate, house positioning, thermal mass considerations, appropriate materials and positioning for windows, shading, insulation, and buffer zones.
  • It is important to design homes for the local environment, i.e., prevailing winds/ breezes, tree type and positioning, proximity to other dwellings and climate.
  • To maximise heat loss during hot seasons, passive design considers air movement, breezes, evaporation, earth coupling and reflection of radiation. Solution should be considerate of local climatic conditions.
  • Solutions may include breeze capture, access to cool night air, convective air movement, solar chimneys, evaporative cooling (i.e., from a water source), earth coupling.
Capturing breezes, using convection properties and solar chimneys are all effective natural cooling systems in the right climate.
Figure CH4-1 Capturing breezes, using convection properties and solar chimneys are all effective natural cooling systems in the right climate.

Fans should be positioned strategically to circulate cooler air and expel heated air.

Dwelling design plans and sections showing provision for cross-ventilation and “cool refuge” space.

CH5: Cool Roof materials

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Cool roof materials reflect more solar radiation and emit more heat to improve indoor thermal comfort and reduce air temperatures (night-time).

100% of roofing materials installed have an initial Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) as follows:

  • For roof pitched <45° an initial SRI > 80
  • For roof pitched >45° an initial SRI > 40

Roofs that are ‘downslope’ from the publicly accessible places, such as in hilly areas, scenic areas or which are in view from taller adjacent buildings should avoid reflective white or very light-coloured finishes that could cause glare.

Incorporating high reflectance and high emittance materials in the roofing design generates lower temperatures compared to dark roofing material.

Reflectance and emittance of different roof materials
Figure CH5-1 Reflectance and emittance of different roof materials (Source: Osmond P and Sharifi E (2017)).

Dwelling design plans and sections showing roof material specification with compliant SRI.

CH6: Cool and/or Porous Pavements

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Cool, porous and/or permeable pavements reduce local surface temperatures and local air temperatures and enhance Human Thermal Comfort. 

Cool pavements with an initial Solar Reflectance (SR) > 50% or porous pavements, or a combination of both applied to >50% of site landscape hard surfaces.

There are a range of strategies for designing site landscape hard surfaces that reduce urban heat impacts, including:

  • Use of ‘cool materials’ - those that are more reflective and store less heat.
  • Use of lighter pigments in mixing asphalts, concretes and pavers can increase solar reflectance by 30%.
  • Incorporating a thin coating of a reflective layer to assist in the reflectance of the material. This must be considerate human comfort - its use can lead to glare some and thermal discomfort for park users and pedestrians at times of peak daytime sunlight.
  • Choosing materials with a low emissivity rating, meaning they will be less prone to embodying heat.

Permeable pavements should consider the following in their design:

  • Permeable paving allows for the drainage, infiltration, and evaporation of water more effectively through urban surfaces, which can be achieved via the use of non-traditional pavements (made from plastic, metal or concrete) filled or interspersed with permeable materials (vegetation, gravel) laid over a permeable base.
  • Maximum impact occurs when permeable pavements are designed in conjunction with the principles of cool pavements described above, namely highly reflective materials and materials less prone to storing heat.
  • Foam based concrete is more permeable than traditional concrete; permeable natural resins used in place of traditional masonry binders can be adopted for low impact areas.
  • Porous pavements and surface coverings adjacent to garden beds and tree plantings will enhance surface water absorption and therefore water access for these plants.

Site landscape plan specifying cool pavements (types and solar reflectance) and/or porous pavements (type, porosity and hydraulic conductivity) and showing the coverage of cool and/or porous pavements as % of total site landscape hard surfaces.

CH7: Alternative Energy Supply

Criteria met

0 credit pts

The dwelling generates and stores sufficient renewable energy onsite to balance its predicted energy use over a year.

Dwelling has installed (or designed for install) a solar PV array, inverter, and battery system with the following minimum capacity:

  • Homes up to 150m²: 5kW PV system
  • Homes between 150m² - 250m²: 7.5kW PV system
  • Homes between 250m² - 350m²: 10kW PV system
  • The solar PV system shall be designed by a Clean Energy Council accredited designer and installed by an accredited installer.
  • Solar panels to be installed to face between East, through North to West orientations.
  • PV array panels to be installed at roof pitch or at latitude tilt angle (or on trackers as desired).
  • Design documentation to be submitted that proves the PV system is not shaded by neighbouring buildings or trees across the year.

Dwelling design plans showing provision for compliant sized solar PV and battery storage system.

Cool Buildings

0 Credit Points

0% credits achieved in this category .

not Applicable

CB1: Site Coverage

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Site cover provides for permeable deep soil areas for shade and evapotranspiration from site landscapes to reduce mean radiant temperatures and air temperatures and improve thermal comfort.

> 20% of site (allotment) area provided as deep soil area (3m minimum dimension)

Site layout should, where practicable, provide for deep soil areas to support tree canopy shade to the eastern and western facades of the /building and to ground surface hardstand areas.

Site landscape plan showing location and extent of deep soil areas as % of total site (allotment) area.

CB2: Site Shade

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Shade (natural and built) moderates internal air temperatures, improves indoor and outdoor human thermal comfort and reduces the use of mechanical space conditioning and its impact on outside air temperatures.

Fixed and/or adjustable external shading devices installed to all external windows and openings (other than south facing) to achieve > 80% restriction of average daily summer solar radiation on external glazing / openings.


Site tree canopy cover (at maturity) > 25% of site (allotment) area.


Shade cover (measured in plan) to > 50% of external on-grade hard stand areas.

  • Shading, particularly windows and other forms of glazing, can have a significant impact on summer comfort and energy costs.
  • Appropriate shading designs and structures can help to block unwanted sun in summer while still allowing solar access in winter.
  • Shading can be fixed (for example, eaves, and evergreen trees) or adjustable (for example, external louvres, pergolas with adjustable shade cloth, external blinds and deciduous trees).
  • On north-facing façades, the easiest shading solution is horizontal overhangs/eaves over windows that are wide enough to block high-angle sun in summer but admit low-angle sun in winter. Horizontal shade projections above glazing can also work well.
  • On east-and west-facing façades, vertical shade structures work well, particularly if they are adjustable, allowing winter sun in when needed.
  • More shading is suitable for hot humid climates, and less shading may be suitable for cold temperate climates.
  • If installing shade sails as part of built shade solutions, make sure to choose fabric that has a UV Effectiveness (UVE) rating of 80% or more.
  • A test if shade is high quality or not on a clear day is the amount of blue sky you can see (sky view factor) while underneath it. The less blue sky you can see, the better protection from solar UV radiation.
  • Trees and planted pergolas and trellises can provide good shading and can also improve indoor and outdoor cooling, air quality and visual appeal of the building.
  • Tree species selection to suit in-situ soil conditions and resilience to high heat stress having regard to projected future extreme heat days due to climate change (refer to Adapt NSW's Regional Climate Change Snapshot Reports for a summary of projected changes to extreme heat days, temperatures and summer rainfall in your region).
  • Guidance on the best tree species for a given geography based on various planting factors including future climate is available on the https://www.whichplantwhere.com.au website.
  • The placement of trees should also consider their ability to channel breezes.
  • A variety of suitable tree species is preferred to increase the urban canopy roughness through different tree heights and foliage types.
  • Deciduous trees should be used where sunlight is desirable in winter; evergreen trees should be used where year-round shade is preferable.
  • Access to deep soils supports healthy trees. Recommended minimum deep soil areas:
    • Small Trees (6 metre canopy diameter at maturity): 14m2 in sandy loam soils; 23m2 in clay soils.
    • Medium Trees (8m diameter canopy at maturity): 18m2 in sandy loam soils; 30m2 in clay soils.
    • Large Trees (12m diameter canopy at maturity): 26m2 in sandy loam soils; 43m2 in clay soils.
  • Care should be taken when locating trees close to buildings if located within bushfire and/or cyclone hazard areas. In these areas an alternative shade solution should be considered.

Site plans and sections showing shade solutions and site tree canopy cover at maturity (as % of site area).

CB3: Site Irrigation

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Irrigated site landscapes reduce local surface temperatures, cool local air temperatures, and improve local thermal comfort. 

A secure water supply is provided for irrigating site landscapes commensurate with seasonal water requirements determined from local site conditions.

  • An alternative water source such as passive irrigation (59) (75), harvested roofwater or reticulated recycled water should be used wherever possible as the primary irrigation water source with potable (town) water as a backup.
  • Irrigation rates guided by local best practice for species and soil profile determined by an appropriately qualified person such as arborist, terrestrial ecologist, landscape architect or irrigation consultant.
  • A smart irrigation system which relies on rain and/or soil moisture sensors and night scheduling provides the most efficient irrigation management and avoids over or under watering.
  • Drip irrigation lines (above or sub-surface) are preferred.

A site landscape water management plan which achieves water efficiencies and supports the continued achievement of objectives outlined in CB2.

CB4: Passive Design

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Buildings use passive design to maintain a comfortable internal temperature thereby minimising impact on the external environment. 

Building design incorporates:

  • Cross-ventilation to all habitable workspaces
  • A “cool refuge” space being a bedroom sized space located on the southern side of the building and away from unshaded east or west facing facades and provided with wall and ceiling insulation to minimum NCC requirements, cross ventilation for venting heat and fitted with a ceiling fan.
  • Buildings that adopt passive design minimise their impact on their surrounding environment by reducing energy requirements in heating and cooling and by minimising their contribution to the external environment through excess heat loss/ heat production generated by mechanical cooling systems (the exhaust from an air-conditioner unit).
  • Passive cooling principles require consideration of the floor plan and building form, local climate, building positioning and orientation, thermal mass considerations, appropriate materials and positioning for windows, shading, insulation, and buffer zones.
  • It is important to design buildings for the local environment, i.e., prevailing winds/ breezes, tree type and positioning, proximity to other dwellings and climate.
  • To maximise heat loss during hot seasons, passive design considers air movement, breezes, evaporation, earth coupling and reflection of radiation. Solution should be considerate of local climatic conditions.

Solutions may include breeze capture, access to cool night air, convective air movement, solar chimneys, evaporative cooling (i.e., from a water source), earth coupling.

Building design plans and sections showing provision for cross-ventilation and “cool refuge” space.

CB5: Cool Roofs, Green Roofs and Green Walls

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Building roof and wall(s) reflect solar radiation, reduce surface temperatures and/or enhance evapotranspiration.

100% of roofing materials with an initial Solar Reflectance Index (SRI):

  • For roof pitched <45°: initial SRI > 80
  • For roof pitched >45°: initial SRI > 40

Roofs that are ‘downslope’ from the publicly accessible places, such as in hilly areas, scenic areas or which are in view from taller adjacent buildings should avoid reflective white or very light-coloured finishes that could cause glare.


An irrigated green roof to 100% of the available roof area with minimum 80% foliage cover of freely transpiring plants which does not include succulents.

And (in addition to one of the above);

A vertical garden / green wall with potted foliage covering at least 60% of the East and West facing exterior walls (unless the wall is shaded - see CB2)

Cool Roofs:

  • Incorporating high reflectance and high emittance materials in the roofing design generates lower temperatures compared to dark roofing material.
    Reflectance and emittance of different roof materials
    Figure CB5-1 Reflectance and emittance of different roof materials (Source: Osmond P and Sharifi E (2017)).
  • Solar glare causing discomfort is not as critical an issue for rooftops compared to high reflectance materials at ground surface which can impact people using a given area.

Green Roofs:

  • Green roofs must have a drought resilient irrigation supply (rainwater, recycled water).
  • Green roofs must be properly designed to ensure building integrity is not compromised by the additional weight.

Green Walls:

  • Green walls lower the ambient air temperature by
    • a) enabling evapotranspiration and
    • b) cooling the air that passes between the support system and the building wall.
  • Green walls or vertical gardens are distinct from a green façade as they feature multiple plantings across a wall, whereas a green façade will generally feature a small number of vines/creeper root systems spreading a thin covering over a wall. Green facades are not eligible for this credit.
  • Green walls must be carefully designed in consideration of sunlight, (drought resilient) irrigation, plant type(s) and fertilisation.
  • Green walls can provide a visually pleasing aspect to a building and improve the human experience in an urban setting.
This credit only applies to green walls (plant-trough based or wall bound), not ground based (façade)
This credit only applies to green walls (plant-trough based or wall bound), not ground based (façade). Source:https://efb-greenroof.eu/green-wall-basics/

Building design plans and sections showing design specifications for cool roof materials or green roof and green wall.

CB6: Cool and/or Porous Pavements

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Cool, porous and/or permeable pavements reduce local surface temperatures and local air temperatures and enhance Human Thermal Comfort. 

Cool pavements with an initial Solar Reflectance (SR) > 50% or porous pavements, or a combination of both applied to >50% of site landscape hard surfaces.

There are a range of strategies for designing site landscape hard surfaces that reduce urban heat impacts, including:

  • Use of ‘cool materials’ - those that are more reflective and store less heat.
  • Use of lighter pigments in mixing asphalts, concretes and pavers can increase solar reflectance by 30%.
  • Incorporating a thin coating of a reflective layer to assist in the reflectance of the material. This must be considerate human comfort - its use can lead to glare some and thermal discomfort for park users and pedestrians at times of peak daytime sunlight.
  • Choosing materials with a low emissivity rating, meaning they will be less prone to embodying heat.

Permeable pavements should consider the following in their design:

  • Permeable paving allows for the drainage, infiltration, and evaporation of water more effectively through urban surfaces, which can be achieved via the use of non-traditional pavements (made from plastic, metal or concrete) filled or interspersed with permeable materials (vegetation, gravel) laid over a permeable base.
  • Maximum impact occurs when permeable pavements are designed in conjunction with the principles of cool pavements described above, namely highly reflective materials and materials less prone to storing heat.
  • Foam based concrete is more permeable than traditional concrete; permeable natural resins used in place of traditional masonry binders can be adopted for low impact areas.
  • Porous pavements and surface coverings adjacent to garden beds and tree plantings will enhance surface water absorption and therefore water access for these plants.

Site landscape plan specifying cool pavements (types and solar reflectance) and/or porous pavements (type, porosity and hydraulic conductivity) and showing the coverage of cool and/or porous pavements as % of total site landscape hard surfaces.

CB7: Alternative Energy Supply

Criteria met

0 credit pts

The building uses or generates enough renewable energy onsite to balance its predicted energy use over a year.

The building has installed (or designed for install) a solar PV array, inverter and battery system of sufficiently capacity to provide enough renewable energy to balance its predicted energy use over a year.

If the building cannot support a sufficiently large system, a supply contract is in place to facilitate the purchase of off-site renewables-sourced electricity, in addition to an onsite backup solution.

This credit cannot be obtained if 100% of electricity is being supplied from an external source - there must be demonstrated capacity to store electricity onsite with an appropriately sized battery system or a back-up generator system, to avoid loss of power (and capacity to cool the building) during an outage or grid failure.

  • This credit is designed to reduce GHG emissions in cities and to establish buildings which are energy-secure during power outages.
  • The PV system shall be designed by a Clean Energy Council accredited designer and installed by an accredited installer.
  • Solar panels to be installed to face between East, through North to West orientations.
  • PV array panels to be installed at roof pitch or at latitude tilt angle (or on trackers as desired).

Building design plans showing provision for compliant sized solar PV and battery storage system.

Documentation that proves the PV system is not shaded by neighbouring buildings or trees across the year.

Evidence of supply contract for any purchased off-site renewables-sourced electricity.

Innovative New Technologies

0 Credit Points

0% credits achieved in this category .

not Applicable

INV1: New technologies

Criteria met

0 credit pts

Demonstration of innovative new urban cooling technologies as "proof of concept".

Partnership with a university or research institution to test within the development an innovative new urban cooling technology as"proof of concept”.

This Credit rewards development that commits to advancing development of new technologies for urban cooling by partnering with universities in the development and testing of such new technologies and providing real world applications as demonstrations to facilitate evidence gathering for proof of concept and industry knowledge exchange.

Documentation proving the partnership with a university or research institution to develop and test innovative new urban cooling technologies at "proof of concept" stage.

INV2: Data Collection and Analytics

Criteria met

0 credit pts

A network of temperature sensors and data loggers providing continuous near surface (2m) air temperature data which is analysed and provided in near real time to citizens to inform individual and community decisions and behaviours that enhance resilience to urban heat.

The development has installed a network of temperature sensors and data loggers providing continuous near surface (i.e., 2m) air temperature data.


The data collected is made available to community members and other key stakeholders.

This Credit rewards development that commits to precinct scale data collection and analysis to build the evidence base for urban cooling outcomes realised from portfolios of urban cooling interventions employed at different scales within the development.

An example of a sensor network would consist of continuous air temperature sensors/loggers deployed and maintained:

  • Along all streets at a minimum of 1/100m of street verge length (evenly spaced) and on both sides of the street
  • Within allotment rear yards at min 1/100m of street block long axis (evenly spaced)
  • Within open space (parks) at minimum 5/ha and positioned to cover the range of use areas
  • Within carparks at minimum 2/ha and positioned to cover shaded and unshaded areas

Technical report(s) demonstrating compliance with the Credit Criteria.

Recommended heat resilience measures are for guidance only and will not impact the Cool Suburbs Star Rating or Heat Impact Score for your development.

RES1: Vulnerability mapping (for existing communities only)

Criteria met

Improved understanding of the distribution of at-risk members of the community to guide investment in heat mitigation measures.

Spatial vulnerability mapping undertaken using ABS statistics such as the SEIFA index.

In large greenfield developments, consideration should be given to SEIFA index of surrounding communities.

Vulnerable members of the community are most at risk from extreme heat due to a range of socio-economic or physiological factors. Mitigation measures such as cool spaces should be readily accessible in areas with higher levels of vulnerable groups (e.g., low-income, over 65, young children).

Heat risk assessments are an emerging space. Land surface temperature is a commonly used proxy for exposure, because this data is relatively available. However, impact on human health is better reflected in University Thermal Comfort Index (1), which includes a more complex interplay between temperature, humidity, wind speed, land cover and shading.

*Note Table 11 below has been provided to outline relevant indices, themes and indicators

ExposureHeat exposure
  • University Thermal Comfort Index (1) / Land Surface Temperature (2)
  • Vegetation cover (3) (4)
Adaptive capacitySocio economic statusLow socio-economic demographic (3) (5) (6) (10)s
  • Under 5 or over 65 years of age (3) (6)
  • Existing medical condition (3) (6) (9)
  • Need for assistance (incl. disability) (4) (5)
BehaviouralOutdoor workers (3) (7) (9)
Adaptive capacityLocational
  • Distance to health and emergency services (4) (11)
  • Proximity to cool centres (4) (10)
MobilityNo motor vehicle (5) (7) (8) (11) (12)
  • New arrival to area (7)(11)
  • CALD (7) (11) (13)
  • Education (10) (11)
  • Internet access (11)
Tenancy typeOwning / renting (10) (11) (14)

Table 11 - RES1 Indicators

RES2: Community awareness and decision support

Criteria met

Provide information that supports the community to make safe decisions that reduce their heat risk, with a focus on extreme conditions.

Integration of design elements that inform communities about local climate conditions and encourages actions to reduce risk.

For example, the installation of temperature or UV displays in public spaces, signage promoting hydration in hot weather, or alerting to the likelihood of hot metal play equipment at certain temperatures.

Low awareness of extreme heat and its health impacts can result in individuals not taking action to protect themselves or their families. The aim of this element is to use technology to provide the community information on the severity of place-based conditions.

NSW health community resources (updated in 2023)

HeatWatch App (released in 2023, currently being trialled), collaboration between University of Sydney and NSW Health, the app provides personalised heat-health risk alerts with accompanying evidence-based cooling and hydration advice based on a user's physiological characteristics (e.g., age, health status, medications), location, and weather data https://heatwatch.sydney.edu.au/

RES3: Drinking water access

Criteria met

Ensure that the community has access to fresh drinking water in all public spaces in order to reduce likelihood of heat-related illness.

Provision of safe drinking water in all public parks and spaces.

Hydration is essential for maintaining health in extreme heat. Water is essential for the body's primary cooling mechanism (sweating), for supporting kidney function, and can be used by first responders to assist individuals experiencing heat-related illness via drinking or wetting the skin.

RES4: Heat shelters/refuges centres

Criteria met

Designated cool indoor spaces where vulnerable people can find relief from heat are included in the project design.

A designated Cool Centre has been provided in the project design that offers an accessible space for vulnerable people to seek shelter from extreme heat. The centre can be any publicly accessible space and should have adequate cooling systems as well as back-up power supplies in the case of a black out.

Minimum facility requirements for Cool Centres:

  • Reasonable capacity (minimum 50m2 floor space available, with minimum 2.0m2 per person available)
  • Accessibility
    • Sealed/paved access to entry
    • Disabled access available
    • Parking & drop-off zones should be close to the centre entrance
    • Vehicle access to main door
    • Emergency service pickup point
  • Bathroom facilities
    • Male and female toilets
    • Parent room
    • Disabled facilities available
  • Communications
    • Hardline telephone
    • Internet connectivity
    • Mobile connectivity
  • Electricity
    • Connection available to plug in backup power generator
  • Ventilation
    • Air conditioning available - and at low risk of failing at maximum summer temperatures for its location.
    • Ceiling or portable fans
  • Water supply
    • Drinking water supply available
  • Kitchen
    • Area for food preparation, including a refrigerator

RES5: Safe transport routes

Criteria met

To support safe travel during extreme heat events.

Provision of targeted measures to improve heat safety along known active transport routes. This includes adequate shading and water provision at transport stops.

While active transport is not recommended during extreme heat events, many vulnerable groups may rely on such routes and services to access cool spaces away from their residences. Provision of shade and water supports safer travel during these times.

Assessment Results

Please ensure all Development Detail fields have been filled to start the assessment and see a score.
Find out more on how rating and scoring works.

Heat Impact Scores

Heat Impact Scores are calculated based on the Climate Zone and selected Credits for the development.

day time image

Day Time

Neighbourhood Air Temp Score
Street / Lot Air Temp Score
Local Thermal Comfort Score
nigh ttime image

Night time

Neighbourhood Air Temp Score
Street / Lot Air Temp Score
Local Thermal Comfort Score

ST = Short term (0-10 yrs)

MT = Medium term (11-20 yrs)

LT = Long term (20+ yrs)